Thinksheets for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Skills

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Thinksheets for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Skills

This best-selling book provides 175+ ready-to-use mini thinking-based lesson plans and activities (i.e., Thinksheets) to break down, discuss, and then teach Social Thinking® concepts for teaching social learners ages 8-18+. Derived from years of direct work with neurodiverse students—including individuals with social (pragmatic) communication differences or challenges, ADHD, and autism spectrum levels 1 or 2, —these versatile thinksheets can be used at home or school, one-on-one, or in larger group sessions. Age-coded, the thinksheets are organized into categories that include friendship, perspective taking, self-monitoring, effective communication, problem solving, and more. These concepts can be readily adapted by educators for a variety of activities.

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  • Ages: Ages 8-18 Activities
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781936943159
  • Pages: 257
  • Published: 2014