Key Topics: loneliness, social anxiety, empathy, relationship development, misbehavior

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Instructor: Michelle Garcia Winner, Q&A moderated by Dr. Pamela Crooke

90 minutes of instruction

This course explores:
  • Learn strategies to help school-age children, tweens & teens, and adults combat loneliness and build a caring community

  • Earn a Certificate of Completion and CE credit (for eligible professions)


1.5 hours of CE credit available for select professionals.

For any special accommodations please email us.

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Combating Loneliness and Misbehavior

Download this free visual with practical ideas for initiating social conversations, which Michelle Garcia Winner presents in this course.

Loneliness is a dangerous national epidemic that has been growing in depth and complexity for many years. Loneliness not only endangers our mental and physical health, but it also can make us less kind and caring toward others, resulting at times in misbehavior at schools and within our communities. We’ll explore a range of research-informed ways we can cultivate meaningful relationships with others to foster our well-being, as well as kindness, empathy, and generosity of spirit toward others. Now more than ever, building social awareness, managing anxiety, and developing social communication strategies to combat this growing crisis of loneliness is critical for school-age children, tweens and teens, and all the way through the adult years.

Registration Includes 90-Day Recorded Replay Access

Access for ONE person only, not to be shared. CEs available for select professions.
Access for 5 or more. CEs available for select professions.
14% Discount
Non-Professional & Family
Intended to help people using the information in their personal lives. CEs not available.
14% Discount

Related Resources to Support the Social Thinking Methodology Taught in This Online Training

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